Since we stayed a few days longer in Trinidad than originally planned we ran out of money, and there were no ATM’s in the city. We got up early to go to the bank, but got bad directions and ended up in the wrong bank where they only exchanged money. With all our Euros and a small loan from Ute we managed to pay for the casa and still have money left for the dive. This morning there were a lot more people on the beach since one of the big Ancon Hotels had an organized snorkeling trip. There was also a few more scuba divers. Again Pedro took Ute for a dive and borrowed our camera which now was set to video.
Since we did quite well on our first dive, Mandi took us out to 7 meters depth before going down. At 10 meters we left our camera in a coral since it couldn’t go deeper and we dived through a tunnel out to the reef edge where it was several hundred meters deep. Fredrik brought his computer to the beach so that we could copy the movies onto Pedro’s memory stick. The only problem was that the movies were 6 times bigger than the memory stick, so we ended up giving away a couple of memory cards.
We went back to the casa for a shower and a very late check-out, and after so many great days it was hard to say goodbye. We drove 1 hour to Cienfuegos where Mirella and Ivan had booked a casa for us. When we got there the owner was waiting for us, and told us he had no water so he would help us find a different place to stay. We ended up in two different casas owned by two sisters. Ute got a room at Barbara’s and we stayed at Maritza’s. After getting settled we went over to Barbara’s since she was known to make the best mojitos in Cienfuegos, and they were probably right! After a couple of mojitos and a nice chat with two newlyweds from Argentina, we went to Maritza’s for a lobster dinner and some red wine.