When leaving Pinar del Rio we had a short stop at José’s place. The reason for this was that the people on the tobacco plantation had clothes full of holes, and Daniel had agreed to bring them a few t-shirts and other presents from us. As we got there we played the salsa cd on high volume, and José wouldn’t let us leave without buying us coffee.
After 2,5 hours we arrived in Havana to pick up Ute, the German girl we met a few days ago. We drove to Matanzas, where we had lunch at a bad restaurant and decided to go further to Cardenas. There we found a fantastic casa particular with a swimming pool, jacuzzi and the most charming and helpful host Angelo. We had an amazing dinner there with fruit, soup, fresh lobster and cake for only 10 CUC/USD. We also got Spanish red wine and good mojitos. After a long day of driving we decided to take it slow and relax at the casa.