I have packed everything I need (I think), and are ready for my trip. The only problem are that the plane are scheduled in 5 hours. I want to leave now! 🙂
The weather forecast for Santiago are not great but it looks like I will have fine weather when I get to Easter Island.
I have added a new type of map on the page.
This will update through the trip so it will be possible to see on the map where I am.
You can see it here
[travelmap-map height=400 first=2010-11-18 last=2010-12-02]
[travelmap-list first=2010-11-18 last=2010-12-02]
You can always find this map under Trips -> Chile, Easter Island, Argentina autumn 2010 -> Autumn 2010 map
Håper du får en flott tur. Gleder meg til å se oppdateringer her.
Skal hilse fra resten av gjengen
Klem Katrine
Takk skal du 🙂
Nå sitter vi i diner loungen å venter på flyet til Påskeøya